Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Alrighty, then!

After 10 or more hours holding on the phone, after 4 servicemen coming out at different times, it is all over. The last guy who came, Terry, was WONDERFUL. And he came upstairs and looked at my computer, asked me what I was using, and told me, on the "sly", as it were, that I should cancel the DSL with AT&T (his company!) and just stick with what I have! And that I could ALSO cancel AOL, because they do allow the ability to use their system for free, and keep my email address, etc., which I have had through them for 11.5 years (which tells you EXACTLY how long I have had Shao...I got it the day after we got home from China!)

SOOO...not frustrated anymore. Being credited for the modem, the overnight delivery charge (which is a joke, since it hasn't worked yet, so it's not like I needed it on July 1st!) the actualy DSL service, and who knows what else! :) And I cancelled AOL, as well. Feeling like I accomplished a lot today, even if it was all non-physical stuff. But hey, I DID change the sheets on my bed, and did some laundry. So, there you have it! :)

On the car front...not such good news. $500!!!!!!!! Wheel bearing shot, and my brake pads and rotors are terribly rusted. The mechanic asked if the car had sat for a long time recently. Nope. Although with the price of gas I don't go far. I put about 100 miles a week on it, at the most, unless we take a trip. He said it was very wierd, that he was sure it had, as that's what happens when cars sit unused. Anyhow...I have enough in my checking account, thank God. But since that is my rent account, it will be interesting to see how God provides the rent for August 1st!

OH....and I MEANT to tell y'all...the results from the biopsy are in, and it is not malignant. Just a pile of dead cells. They want me to come back in 6 months, just to make sure it hasn't changed. They put a little "clip" ?? in there to mark the spot. So, that is good!!!

Shao & I are getting ready for dinner, so I have to vamoose.


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