Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This girl of mine!

This girl of mine is amazing. Truly.really.amazing! Two weeks ago she prayed to ask Jesus into her heart. Part of the prompting of this was that a girl from our church spoke during worship service about her experience as a counselor at the recent get-away weekend for Jr. High kids. She was absolutely on fire, and shared with us her experience of leading one of the girls to Jesus after an evening chapel service. Shao was really taken with Jackie, as was I. But I didn't know this until that evening, when she told me.

And Shao had lots of very deep theological questions that I found difficult to answer. And while Jackie is not going to be able to answer them, either, I sensed it would be good for Shao to get to know someone a bit older than her, who loved the Lord and stood up for the Gospel. So I called our Youth Pastor, who is THE BEST ever....really, I absolutely adore this young guy! Such a heart for God! And SOOO much fun!!!!!!!!! And oh my, when he preaches? You could hear a pin drop, unless we are all laughing ourselves silly. Anywho...Ryan hooked Shao up with Jackie, and they spent all of the Sunday School hour AND the regular service talking and reading the Word and praying. Shao came and sat next to me right as Communion was being served, leaned in and said "Mom, I LOVE Jackie!" Cool beans! It is my hope that they will continue to get together as possible, and really form a bond. So wonderful!

And I think that all this has played into her new way of looking at things. She was a BIG TIME worrier, and now? Not so much. And she has been praying that IF God wants her to attend Nutmeg this summer, that He will work it out, and if He does not, that she is fine with that. FINE with that? WOW!!! Fine if her dream does NOT come true. Folks, THAT'S God working in a tender and open heart! YIPPEE JESUS!!!!! (as precious Linny would say!!!)

At the risk of being judged, I will say that we have recently begun family devotions TOGETHER, and it is so wonderful. I regret all those years we COULD have been doing it and didn't. Right now we are reading from a "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book for mothers & daughters. Some great little stories in there. And girly? Well, she is DEVOURING the Word of God. I got her a New Living Translation, at Ryan's suggestion. It is also a Bible that is actually geared toward teenage girls, with little stories and pictures, etc., here and there throughout the book. How cool is that? :) Since it is easier to understand, she is LOVING her Bible time! :) Makes a mama's heart sing!


1 comment:

  1. Nancy! Can't wait to see what our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God does! Yippee Jesus!!
