Friday, October 16, 2009

Only God!

Listen to this story. I think it is unbelievable. I mentioned before that my sister's home of 20 yrs is in foreclosure. She tried to work things out with the bank, under the new Obama deal, but no go. Her debt ratio is just too high. So they have been cleaning out and sorting 20 years worth of stuff. The other day they put two riding mowers out in front, with for sale signs on them. A young teenage boy stopped by, and my sister and her boyfriend were very impressed with him. In passing, they asked him what his dad did for a job. His answer? "Oh, he owns a gold mine." WHAT?? That's kind of bizarre here in New England! So...Frankie wants to buy one of the mowers. He rides his bike back home and comes back with his Dad. And my sister gets to talking with him, and he asks her why she's moving. She tells him, and he says something to the effect that he may be able to help her out. The idea is that he will make a lowball offer, get a no money down mortgage, my sister will pay the mortgage and all upkeep, and in two years she will buy the house back from him, and pay him $10,000 above the mortgage cost, as his return on investment. Cool. Only God. It isn't a done deal, but it is pretty miraculous, even so. Please pray. She REALLY doesn't want to move. She LOVES her home, it is a 1850's farmhouse. It needs work, but they keep plugging away at it, room by room. It is so charming, and has a terrific yard...very park like. Oh, by the way...the Goldmine is out west somewhere! :)


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