Monday, January 5, 2009

School's in Session...WAKE UP! back to normal...whatever "normal" is! Up at 5:05 (alright...alarm RINGS at 5:05...I get up countless times, shuffle across the room, hit snooze...and repeat!) Icy roads this morning, but no delays for the school I drive for (I know, dangling participle!) Shao left me a frantic note on her bedroom door. Seems senile mom forgot to get her tap shoes fixed, and her instructor, according to Shao, will FREAK tomorrow night. So, I will take them in TODAY, in hopes they can be fixed while I wait...and that they're even FIXABLE! It's always something, eh?

We wait a bit anxiously around here for the arrival of my two nieces, a scheduled C-section on Jan. 28th, but at this point, we're ALL hoping it is sooner, as mama, AKA Jen, is MISERABLE! Poor sweetie, her feet and legs look like they belong to a VERY large person...and Jen, in her usual non-pregnant state, is a size 4! Cadence Rae & Hayleigh Christina both weigh well over 5 pounds, so any time now is GOOD!!!!!!

Other than that, no news...which, as they say, is good news. We plow on in life, just trying to manage each day. Not always gracefully, but onward we go. After all, it sure beats the alternative!


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