Friday, April 3, 2009

Improvement! I was officially released to go back to work. Not released from seeing the Dr., but I can drive the van again. I got a piddlin' 13 hours this week (sigh). Next week I will be minus Good Friday, plus any other time I may have to take off for the dr. And the following week there will be NO pay, as it is April vacation. "Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart; lean not to your OWN understandings, but in ALL your ways acknowledge HIM, and HE will direct your path." That's where I am...that's where I've been for a long, long time now. Guess I'm not learning my lessons quick enough, so He keeps me here to be sure I do. Okay, Lord! I'm in YOUR hands!

So I continue the drops every hour routine, as well as three OTHER drops at varying intervals throughout the day. And I go back on Tuesday morning. But obviously it is much better! It is not even red anymore! I don't look a Halloween mask! YIPPEE!! But it still hurts a LITTLE...but NOTHING compared to the excruciating pain of a week ago...and even 3 days ago! Thank You, Jesus! Thank YOU!!!!

Shao is at ballet at the moment. I pick her up at 6PM, feed her supper and her friend Krista arrives at 7, to spend the weekend. Shao & Krista haven't spent a lot of time together recently...their schedules just didn't coincide, or by the time Krista called to do something, Shao was already committed or off somewhere else with some other friend. So it will be nice to have Krista for the weekend. She's a good kid, I like her alot. I actually like ALL of Shao's friends, although there are a few I worry about...more for what may happen to them in the future, given the path they seem to have set their feet on. I'll be watching closely. My hope and prayer is that Shao can help them choose a different path, but I won't allow it, to her detriment. So like I said, I am watching...and praying.

That's about it for now. It is raining Persians and Poodles here! We have had lightening and thunder, high winds, and downpours. But it is not really cold...hence the thunder. Hope it doesn't hail...on my way home from the Dr.'s I stopped and bought a flat of pansies. Don't you just LOVE pansies? They have such a happy, sweet face! I wouldn't want them squashed by hail!

Have a great weekend, everybody...


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